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In this ever globalizing world, the collaboration with foreign companies, and hence people from different and distant cultures, is inevitable. In order to negotiate, travel, conduct business efficiently, as well as to deal effectively with various issues related to hospitality or staying abroad, one must be able to communicate without limits. Or better, not only to speak a target language fluently, but also posses the in-depth cultural knowledges. Intercultural mediation helps to understand the cultural context of the interlocutor quickly and intuitively.

Do you have to meet important people from, for example, the other side of the Atlantic Ocean or Eastern Europe? Still, you have only a vague idea about the mentality, expectations or needs that your eventual partners can have? Do you feel like you need a bridge between different civilizations? In this case, you need an intercultural mediator.


Who is the intercultural mediator?

The intercultural mediator is a professional of interpersonal communication: the true bridge between different civilizations. In addition to being an interpreter able to translate from one language to another, the mediator exercises a real function of cultural orientation.

The goal of an intercultural mediator is to explain you how to deal with issues related to foreign traditions and attitudes, as well as how to socialize with the people belonging to different culture in an effective and immediate way. His help can be extended to administrative, legal, health, educational and organizational areas.

All cultural mediators of FAS Security Solution possess a meaningful life experience in another country, but it is not a binding requirement. The necessary condition for an intercultural mediator is to keep his skills and knowledge up-to-date, because his profession is a dynamic one!


Need help?

All intercultural mediators of FAS Security Solution are professionally trained specialists, able to translate conversations and, at the same time, to provide a broad overview of the cultural context of your interlocutor. With Fas Security Solution by your side you will always feel confident, prepared and determined.

Our job is to make sure that you can efficiently do yours. While you focus on what’s essential for you, we will take care of everything else providing you with the best possible solutions!

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FAS Security Solution

Services performed with elegance, commitment and intelligence